A downloadable game


Krooked is a collection of short horror stories.
You will play a seperate protagonist in each of the chapters. That being said, all the stories will be interlaced with each other. 
The Krooked is a purgatory space between dreams and reality. Not knowing how or why this place exists, the player (you) will attempt to find your way home unbeknownst of the horrors ahead.


Chapter 1 Length - Very Short (for now)
Engine - Unreal Engine 5.1

This game is currently still UNDER DEVELOPMENT.  Expect bugs, Unfinished elements and other issue that may arise.

All new updates will flesh out story and add more mechanics to make this as scary and tense as I possibly can.
I am predominantly a horror streamer, so I'm using my experience and my personal views / opinions on what makes a game scary to me within this project. 
Any feedback is appreciated.


Use - LMB
Alternate use - RMB 
Focus / Zoom - MMB
Crouch - Left Control
Jump - Space
Inventory / Diary - TAB
Light source - F

This game is free to download and play, any donations that have been made will be used for further development and other horrors projects i am planning for the future.

SyPh0nTV @ Tormented Interactive

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